We give so that more people can experience the love of Jesus.

This month, we are highlighting Kingdom Builders giving. Kingdom Builders is our Above and Beyond giving which allows us to bring the Good News of the Gospel in practical ways to all nations. Your Kingdom Builders giving expands the reach of the Local Church, invests in Future Christian Leaders, and funds Global Missions projects.

Thank You for helping build the kingdom with us!


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giving by clicking here.

If you prefer to give in person, our main office is now open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm.

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is our way of reaching the world through a community of people who faithfully give above and beyond. It's built off of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to giving over and above their tithes to three areas:

Global MissionsLocal Church Expansion, and Future Christian Leaders.


We give so that more people can experience the love of Jesus!

The strength of Coastline Church is connected to the faithful giving of this church community. 1 Timothy 6:18 says "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share." When we give we do so out of obedience to God, and out of generosity and love for people. We believe in the biblical principal of tithing or percentage giving, which is a set aside portion of income we get to designate towards advancing God’s Kingdom through the local church. Thank you for partnering with us as we reveal the life-giving message of Jesus together!