Tackling The Fear Of The Unknown | Week 3 | Andy Moore
“What if'' syndrome is a common yet plaguing fear for many people's minds. “What if I don't get the call back, what if they say no, what if I don't get that contract…” Life is always changing and It’s really difficult to know what's going to happen in the future… which is why we need to remember the faithfulness of God in moments of fear. Joshua had something unique to him, in that he had seen the promised land. He went as a spy by Moses and he knew what lay ahead of them, he knew what God could do, he had seen his power and didn’t let the fear of the unknown stopping him from seeing the promises fulfilled for himself and the Israelites.
Facing Fear | Week 2 | Lukas Bonnett
Whether it's the fear of man, the fear of your past or the fear of making the right decision… Every day we are inundated with potential fears and of what to do. The story of Rahab paints this picture so clear. Despite facing every possible fear from every possible side, because of her fear of God, she saves her family, she leaves a legacy of faith for those to come after her and she receives a blessing beyond her greatest imagination. The question we are left with is, how do we act when we are faced with fear and how do we make sure to rely on our faith in moments of doubt?
He Is With You | Week 1 | Lukas Bonnett
We do not have to look far to feel fearful of our surroundings. Interest rates going up, talk of a recession, disease, war.. Every channel and social media platform is screaming the same thing. Be very afraid. Yet, our God and faith would say the exact opposite, that we should fear not. We are told to be strong, courageous, faith filled Christians in every circumstance or time of difficulty. So how do we do it? How do we fight the fear in our lives? It all starts with knowing that smallest, simplest truth - he won't leave you or abandon you. He is with you!
Inward Transformation | Baptism Sunday | Lisa Moore
It’s baptism Sunday which means we celebrate and party with the new life happening all around us! We know that baptism is the outward expression of the inward transformation that Christ has done in the souls of so many people! In this message, Ps. Lisa takes time to unpack what inward transformation looks like and how we as Christians can all constantly walk in a place where we are more and more becoming renewed and transformed to be like Jesus.