Freedom Groups

“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” John 8:32

About Freedom Groups

The Freedom curriculum is designed to equip you to live the abundant life Christ came to give you. No matter where you are in your faith journey, Freedom Groups will challenge you to take a step towards truth - about God, about faith, and about yourself - to close the doors of your yesterdays so you can walk fully into the purpose God has for you today. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.

Freedom Groups gather weekly over 11 sessions for worship, teaching, and gender specific small groups at Coastline Victoria, Coastline Westshore, and select small groups.

Freedom Groups will open for registration September 2025.

Freedom Conference

Save the date: April 4th - 5th, 2025!

At the end of the semester, there is a Freedom Conference that every Freedom Group member is encouraged to attend. The Freedom Conference focuses on solidifying what you learned in Freedom by helping you take the next steps to overcome your past and lay a foundation for walking in daily freedom.

Freedom Testimonies

Our Approach to God

An intimate relationship with God is our deepest need, and how we approach God directly affects that relationship. The Bible teaches us from the very beginning how God designed us to approach Him. You will learn what it means to live in the “Tree of Life” and how a simple but powerful perspective shift can impact every area of your life. Through Freedom, you will learn how to walk in spiritual order and how feeding your spirit over your emotions and flesh is key to walking freely and more connected to God.

Transforming the Heart

It is clear that we live out of the overflow of our hearts. In order to be free, we must take a look at our deeper heart issues, looking beyond our struggles to the roots that feed them. You will learn how to identify those roots and what steps to take to receive healing and freedom from them as well as steps to bring transformation to patterns of thinking and cycles of behaviours.

Walking in our Purpose

God has a unique plan and purpose for our lives, but we also have an enemy who is trying to keep us from fulfilling this purpose. In your Freedom Group, you will learn how to stand in the authority of Jesus to overcome sin and the enemy’s schemes as you allow God to use your life for His glory.

No matter where you are in your walk, we all need freedom

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36