Coastline Church exists to help people take the next step in their spiritual journey by revealing the life-giving message of Jesus.
9am + 11am
Young Adults 6pm
845 Caledonia Ave.
9am + 11am
Belmont Secondary School
845 Caledonia Ave.
Andy & Lisa have a combined passion and vision for the local church and for reaching people. They share a journey through brokenness, healing and God's redemption. Having experienced God's incredible faithfulness, they are committed to bringing a story of hope to the church, the city and wherever God would lead them! Andy & Lisa have four kids, one son-in-law and the sweetest little granddaughter.
We have a rich history of 100 years in the heart of Victoria, B.C., and we still have so much vision for the future! Our heart is to reach our island and to continue to create a vibrant, faith-filled community.
At Coastline Church, everyone is welcome and everyone belongs!
The story of where we’ve been.
In 1923, Dr. Charles Price gathered thousands of people for 21 consecutive nights of revival meetings in the heart of Victoria. People were saved, healed and delivered and a revival broke out in our city. Out of that movement, our church was born and it has been a thriving church in downtown Victoria ever since. Our church was the first home of BC’s Pentecostal Bible College and out of the church, dozens of other churches have been planted in Victoria, on Vancouver Island and as far away as Manitoba. The church has been known by many different names over the years, including Victory Temple, Glad Tidings Church and now Coastline Church.
The story of where we’re going.
We are revisiting our church planting roots with a fresh passion to reach Vancouver Island. Our vision is to see a life-giving church within reach of every person on Vancouver Island! Our name reflects that vision since the coastline of the island is our mission field and the place that God has burned on our hearts to reach. We are full of faith for the future and are committed to raising up and developing leaders to help fulfill the vision that God has given us.
We believe God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three are co-equal and are one God.
We believe that Jesus is the divine Son of God, the only sacrifice for our sin, and our guarantee of God's never-changing love for us. We believe that while on earth, Jesus was 100% God and 100% man simultaneously. We believe that He died, rose again and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and salvation is found only through faith in Him. We believe Jesus will return to earth to receive all those who have believed in Him.
We believe that people are eternal beings and that our eternal destination of either eternal happiness (heaven) or eternal sorrow (hell) is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the only means to salvation.
We believe the Holy Spirit is a person and is co-equal with the Father and the Son. We also believe the Holy Spirit draws people to belief in Christ and that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is subsequent to our salvation. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers and equips us for personal growth and to live as Christ's ambassadors in the world as part of His Church.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, fully complete and without error. We believe that the Bible contains all that is needed to understand salvation and to live a life that pleases God. The Bible is the final and ultimate authority of our faith and practice.
We believe that the local church is Christ's church and that it is the hope of the world. We believe in the power and significance of the Church and the necessity of believers to meet together regularly to celebrate, be inspired, and grow.