This year, we’ve expanded Coastline Conference to include a free one day pre-conference with Coastline Church pastors and ministry leaders, in partnership with ARC Canada

In 1941, Coastline Church was the first home of what is now Summit Pacific College. The DNA of this house is to train leaders, and this is an essential piece of our vision to see life-giving churches within reach of every person.

Lead Pastors Andy and Lisa Moore, in partnership with ARC Canada, are excited to invite pastors, church staff and key church leaders to this pre-conference training day as they pour into leaders from local churches of any size, city or denomination. Along with their pastors and staff, Pastors Andy and Lisa will impart the spiritual and practical leadership lessons, the systems and processes Coastline practices. There will be a special emphasis on space for questions, ministry time, and prayer for you and your church.

  • We are welcoming anyone serving in a leadership capacity (paid or unpaid) who is looking to develop in their ministry role. Many church leaders work outside the church while leading fruitful ministries throughout the week and weekends. Our heart is to honour you and the many hats you wear by pouring into your personal development in your area of leadership.

  • Leadership Conference is specially designed for leaders who don’t attend Coastline Church. Its purpose is to equip church leaders to do what the Coastline team is already doing! This is stuff you already know and practice :) Coastline Conference is the experience we are preparing for Coastline Church and Team members, and we can’t wait to see you there!

  • Yes. Our heart is to serve you for your area of ministry. Choosing a track helps us develop content to cater to your needs. Upon registration, you will be asked for your ministry area. Here, you can specify any areas you would like to grow in, or any specific ministry questions you have.

  • Unlike Coastline Conference, there is no Kids programme offered for the one-day Leadership Conference.

  • Yes, and we hope you do stay and continue to be poured into by the Coastline Pastors, staff and our conference guests from across Canada. Leadership Conference attendees are offered exclusive Coastline Conference pricing as an add-on during the registration process.

  • We’re so happy more friends want to join us! Get in touch with us by email and we’ll help you sort it all out.  info@coastlinechurch.ca

  •  Yes you will be provided with a lunch hosted by the Coastline team.

  • We are happy to offer gluten free and vegetarian options for lunches and snacks over the Conference weekend. Unfortunately our kitchen is not a nut free facility.

We have developed 4 track options for your area of leadership and ministry. These tracks will offer you the inside scoop on the hows and whys of Coastline Church. We don’t have it all figured out, but we want to be generous with the systems, tools and spirit-filled insights we have developed over time. 

Click below to learn more about each Track.

  • Stewarding an atmosphere of expectant faith and shepherding God’s people is a high calling and a wonderfully unique burden to shoulder. God calls pastors to strengthen the local church into a unified body for the purpose of revealing the life-giving message of Jesus to their communities.

    In this Leadership Track, it is our privilege to come alongside senior and associate pastors and leaders to equip and encourage you as you shepherd and guide your congregations. Learn from Andy and Lisa Moore and Nate Puccini from Substance Church, Minneapolis, along with other high level church leaders as they share the joys and challenges of church leadership, impart spiritual and practical leadership lessons and spend time praying for you.

  • At Coastline Church we know that walking with God is a spiritual journey of endless growth and discovery. Our goal is to invite each person who enters Coastline Church to take a next step in their journey with God. From a first visit, to making a decision to follow Jesus, to getting baptized or joining a Freedom Group or joining Team, every step matters. 

    In the Next Steps track, you will learn the ins and outs of how we facilitate and resource spiritual discipleship through Coastline's Next Steps events, groups and courses. From the super practical systems we use, to the whys of discipleship, our prayer is to provide you with the tools to implement refreshed ideas in your own local church context.

  • The Coastline Creative and Production department believe in the power and significance of corporate worship for the vitality of the local church. Our goal is to create an atmosphere of expectant faith every time we gather because one moment in God’s presence can transform a life forever. 

    Worship, production and creative design are not entertainment. They are a space for encounter, healing, breakthrough, and more than anything, a moment to bring praise, honour and glory to the only One who is worthy of it all. 

    In the Worship and Creative Track, Luke Stones and the Coastline Creative and Production team will share insights on creating an invitational and intentional atmosphere of worship.  We believe that every team member, instrument, song, soundwave, screen, light and focused lens can help point people to Jesus. Our prayer is to empower you in the areas of songwriting basics and systems, leading worship, spontaneous worship, content creation, audio mixes, lightening, service production, and developing a unified team.

  • The Next Generation is not just the church of tomorrow. They are the church of today!  Coastline’s Next Gen ministries exist to teach children and teens to explore the Bible, grow in their relationship with Jesus, and to discover their God-given purpose. Our goal is to equip children and teens with biblical values and a Christ-centered identity as they face the adult-size challenges of their environments. All with an eye on the future, knowing today we are investing in the young people who will lead the churches of tomorrow! 

    Coastline’s Next Gen team will share spiritual insights and practical teaching on the ins and outs of leading Kids Ministry and Youth Ministry, how to develop spaces where kids and youth feel a sense of belonging to the broader church community, and how to building environments fostering the development of strong Christian friendships to take kids and youth through their lives.

    In the Next Gen Track, our prayer is that as pastors, leaders and teams, you receive the encouragement and equipping you need to return with resharpened tools and reinvigorated hearts to serve in the contect God has called you.