12 modules to train you for ministry, one step at a time.

Training the Christian leaders of tomorrow.
Ministy Essentials | Overview
Have you been looking for ways to grow in your ministry potential and gain a greater theological understanding of your faith? We’ve designed 12 modules that will offer introductory training in ministry for people of all ages and anyone who is interested!
Each module consists of four classroom sessions with a main lecture and group discussion time. We will be offering each module separately, which will run consecutively through the year, giving you the option to take courses based on your interest, or work towards completing all 12 modules to earn Coastline Church’s Certificate of Ministry Essentials. Step by step, we’ll cover different themes aimed to equip you for ministry wherever you feel called to serve!
Upcoming Module
ME112: Developing Christian Leaders includes an overview of biblical teaching on mentorship, and covers practical tools and principles for mentoring as part of discipleship. It will cover the following topics:
Engage and Develop Others
What is Mentoring and Why is It Important
Biblical Foundations for Ministry Mentoring
Mentoring Activities
Mentoring Attitudes
Mentee Awareness and Mentoring Agenda
The Mentoring Agreement
A Mentoring Culture
Cost : $20
When : March 31st - April 28th, 2025, Mondays 7pm-9pm
Coastline Church Victoria

Essential training for everyone.
Our 12 modules will cover the following topics of study to equip you for ministry.
No pre-requisites - start at any module.
Module 1: Oct 16- Nov 6, 2023
Knowing and Loving God (Intro to Theology and Spirituality)
Module 2: Nov 13- Dec 4, 2023
Learning God’s Word (Intro to Biblical Theology and Hermeneutics)
Module 3: Jan 8-Jan 29, 2024
Caring for the People of God (Intro to Ecclesiology and Pastoral Theology)
Module 4: Feb 5-Mar 4, 2024
Communicating God’s Word (Intro to Homiletics and Theology of the Word)
Module 5: March 18-April 1, 2024
Ministering in Power (Pastoral Theology and the Holy Spirit)
Module 6: April 22 - May 13, 2024
Spiritual Warfare (Intro to Theology of the Kingdom)
Module 7: May 27 - June 17, 2024
Reaching the Lost, Making Disciples (Intro to Evangelism and Discipleship)
Module 8: September 16 - October 21, 2024
Financial Stewardship (Theology of Money)
Module 9: October 28 - November 25, 2024
Marriage, Family, Singleness, and Ministry (Theology of Marriage and Singleness)
Module 10: January 13 - February 3, 2025
Leading Yourself and Others (Intro to Servant Leadership)
Module 11: March 3 - March 24, 2025
Building Communities of Faith (Ecclesiology and Church Planting)
Module 12: March 31st - April 28th, 2025
Developing Christian Leaders (Ministry Mentorship)
The ME is done in partnership with the PAOC's Global Ed department and uses their METP curriculum.