Deep Dive Week 3: Sabbath
In this week’s deep dive, Pastors Andy and Lisa talk about the 4 ways to practice Sabbath as an essential part of emotional and spiritual well being. Sabbath is the Hebrew word for “cease”, where God instructed the Israelites to take a day of rest. The practice of Sabbath includes stopping, resting, delighting and contemplating the love of God. In this week’s deep dive you’ll be encouraged to apply this to your own rhythm, not in a way that feels legalistic but incredibly life-giving. As quoted in the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero, “we don’t serve the Sabbath, the Sabbath serves us.” Apply these 4 practical strategies to be intentional and experience the benefits of Sabbath in your life: Plan, Schedule, Be Intentional, Be Flexible.