He Is Risen | Week 3 | Andy Moore
It’s Easter Sunday and there is Resurrection Life in the house! After all is said and done, Jesus has defeated death.. yet where do you find Peter? Where is His closest friend? Why has he ran back to a fishing boat instead of searching for his Saviour? The reinstatement of Peter is one of the best showings of just how impactful the Resurrection truly is. AND.. that same love and power that re-establishes Peter, is available for you too.
Palm Sunday | Week 2 | Adam Browett
As we continue down the road that leads us to Jesus’ death and resurrection Ps. Adam brings us to a familiar point in the story. Many of us know of Jesus riding in on a donkey and the crowds yelling “hosanna!” Yet there is more to the story than just the triumphal entry. Jesus was anointed by perfume before he entered into the Holy city and that bold action shows us and reminds us that the resurrection has powerful ramifications on our life as well.
Road To Ressurection | Week 1 | Lukas Bonnett
The resurrection is the most important and impactful moment in Jesus’ ministry and potentially all of history. It still has an incredible impact still 2000 years later. In this series, we do our best to put ourselves in a similar place and walk with Jesus everyday for the 2 weeks leading up to the cross. What was Jesus seeing, feeling, thinking? What were His disciples noticing? We start 2 weeks before the cross where Jesus foreshadows what is to come, as he calls out Lazarus and shows us the Resurrection Life that only comes from Jesus.