King Of Hearts | Week 3 | Andy Moore
It’s Christmas Sunday and Ps. Andy wraps up our series, breaking down the final gift given to Jesus at his birth and all that it represents. In this message we discover that the gift of Gold represents the kingship of Jesus and how Jesus was and is a unique King who rules with justice and mercy unlike any King to come before Him. You know what the best part is? He only rules by your choice, not by His force and even though his home is heaven, he wants his throne to be your heart.
Perfect Priest | Week 2 | Andy Moore
We can always be encouraged that we don’t have a distant God who is far or angry with us. The truth is, we have a close and intimate Father who came and served as our perfect priest. In this message, Ps. Andy walks us through how the gift of frankincense represents the priestly role of Christ and how in Jesus coming to us He became our bridge to God and makes it possible for men to enter into the presence of God.
Suffering At The Manger | Week 1 | Andy Moore
When Jesus came he was offered three gifts from the wisemen from the East. Often we look at this as a simple exchange, a moment of blessing but the gifts given to Jesus carry far more meaning then we may realize. Gold, frankincense and myrrh speak to the authority and life of Jesus in His kingship, priesthood and prophetic life. This week Ps. Lukas breaks down the meaning of myrrh and how it speaks to our suffering and more importantly, His suffering and love for you and me. YES… God really is that big that the cross was already showing up in the manger.
Hearing From God | Week 4 | Adam Browett
Hearing from God can be a scary concept. What if God doesn’t want to speak to me? If He does, how does He speak? How do I know if it's God speaking or something else? What do I do if God is asking me to do something strange? As we wrap up our FEAR NOT series, Pastor Adam answers these questions and more as he looks at Joshua Chapter 6 and the fall of Jericho.