The Motive Test | Week 4 | Andy Moore
Make no mistake, Jesus has expectations of anyone who calls themselves a Christ follower. “When you …” are the words before Jesus talks about fasting, giving, and prayer and yet, there is one other piece to this puzzle. Jesus’ real concern is that the motivation of your heart is pure. What is your motivation to give? To look generous to others? Or to honour God & bless the least of these? This message will make you pause, reflect and check the motivation of your heart.
Faith Based On Love | Week 3 | Andy Moore
For centuries the Jews lived under what we know as “the law”, and in this sermon Ps. Andy breaks down what Jesus means when he says “I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.” Jesus is re-establishing the right way to live and He invites us to a faith based on LOVE not on obligation, relationship not rules. A life following Jesus is not a systemic life of “have-to’s” but a beautiful relationship and connection of “get to’s”.
Salty Salt & Bright Light | Week 2 | Adam Browett
As a Christian were called to be the salt and light of the world, but what happens if we lose our saltiness? If salt isn't salty.. What is it? If a light doesn’t shine bright, is it fulfilling its purpose? Ps. Adam helps breakdown 4 signs of a salt deficiency and how you can be the salt and light that Jesus calls you to.
Mindset of Blessing | Week 1 | Andy Moore
Kicking off a brand new series based on the sermon on the mount, Ps. Andy helps us breakthrough into the deeper context of the kingdom of heaven and the be-attitudes. These 8 blessings are Jesus’ way of shifting the culture of the time and our culture today. He’s replacing what success, values and blessing looks like to us, with deep beautiful kingdom values, kingdom dynamics and kingdom blessings truly look like.