A Family’s Journey | A Christmas Journey | Week 4
As we wrap up our Christmas series, we take a deeper look at the family life of Jesus. Family life is fluid, constantly changing, and Jesus’ earthly parents were in a wild culture and dangerous time. (Sound familiar?) Yet rather than being led by fear or insecurity, Joseph & Mary, show us it looks like to have a family identity that is centered on Jesus and that being led by Him is far greater than leading yourselves.
Reacting To Jesus… | A Christmas Journey | Week 3
In this message Andy shows us the intriguing contrast between Jesus, the Messiah King and Herod, the ruling king. Jesus was born in a manger, Herod a mansion. Jesus came for the hurting, Herod lived for himself. Sometimes at Christmas we can become indifferent and find a small piece of Herod in all of us. Caring for more the materials and pleasures of this world, yet Jesus comes and invites us to respond to His way of life, which leads to humility and full hearts of worship and wonder.
The Christmas Journey Is… | A Christmas Journey | Week 2
In our series we are following the story of Joseph, the less known perspective of Jesus’ earthly father. Now think for a moment, what would you do if the woman you’re meant to be married to is now carrying a baby, and it's from the “Holy Spirit?” What would be your response? Anger? Frustration? Divorce? The Christmas Journey has many themes, but one specific theme that Ps. Andy does not want you to miss this Christmas, is the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
The Christmas Journey Includes Everyone | A Christmas Journey | Week 1
As we start a new series, we wanted to start… from the very beginning. Ps. Adam shows us that even in the genealogy of Jesus, God foreshadows Jesus’ ministry and how deep His love is for you and me. Before Jesus was even born, God was already showing up to the lonely, using the unlikely and fighting for the lowliest of the world.