My Defender | Week 5 | Andy Moore
Did you know that Jesus has given us His authority? In our final week of the ‘God Is’ series, Ps. Andy guides us through scripture on what this authority is and how to effectively step into it. The armour of God is one of our greatest tools for utilizing God’s authority. With the armour of God on we not only have protection, but we have what we need for advancement!
God Is My Chain Breaker | Week 4 | Adam Browett
In week 4 of our ‘God Is’ series, Ps. Adam paints us a picture of how many of us live; weighed down by chains. Oftentimes our chains can be subtle, starting with curiosity of sin. However, they will always create a heavy life that leads to death. God did not create us to accumulate chains over our lifetime and learn how to survive with them. He sent his son to earth so we can be free from our chains and live in relationship with Him!
My Defender & Reward | Week 3 | Andy Moore
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions: What is heaven? What does heaven look like? What happens when a Christian dies? In week 3 of our ‘God Is’ series, Ps. Andy will explain what the Bible promises us heaven will be like. Hollywood movie heaven is often what we picture- but is that the truth? Come with us as Ps. Andy reveals a new perspective in scripture.
God Is My Righteousness | Week 2 | Andy Moore
Although it's not something we like talking about, the reason grace is so incredible is because of what it covers. Sin. Talking about sin can sometimes make us feel bad or heavy, but in this sermon Ps. Andy is going to help you understand that when you talk about sin you also get to talk about grace! That God has given us this incredible gift, He has blessed us with common grace, saving grace and a sustaining grace that makes Him our righteousness, something we could never achieve on our own. Praise the Lord for the grace of God!