Ministry Sunday - Healthy - Week 8
This week we are wrapping up our “Healthy” series. Our pastoral team who were a part of this series will briefly overview the series topics and take an intentional time to pray for you in your journey.
Growing Up Emotionally - Healthy - Week 7
This week, Pastor Andy is continuing our “Healthy” series. This week, he is answering the question, “As Christians, how can we become emotionally mature?”
The Journey Through The Wall - Healthy - Week 6
This week, Pastor Lukas is continuing our “Healthy” series. This week, he is answering the question, “How can we overcome the hardest circumstances of our lives?”
How Grief and Loss Can Enlarge Your Soul - Healthy - Week 5
This week, Pastor Darren is continuing our “Healthy” series. This week, he is answering the question, “How can God help us grow through life’s most painful circumstances?”