Walk In Strength | Week 8 | Evan Allnutt
The final section of the book of Ephesians ends with the call for all Christians to put on the armour of God. It's a reminder that God has given us all we need to ready us for all the things that will come our way both natural and supernatural. We are blessed to have a fellow island pastor and friend to many ending this section of our sermons, Ps. Evan Allnutt from Northgate Church in the Comox Valley.
Walk In Light | Week 7 | Adam Browett
In week 7 ps. Adam breaks down what it means to walk as children of light. More than just “shining bright”, he helps us ask the hard questions. What does our light represent, what happens when we walk in darkness, are we plugged into the right source? Don't walk in the dim, embrace your faith and let the righteousness of Christ shine through you!
Walk In Love | Week 6 | Andy Moore
To walk in love really has taken on a whole new meaning in today’s culture. To love in today’s society means to accept and affirm everyone and anyone no matter what they do or how they do it. Ps. Andy pushes back on this “conditional love” and helps us see what it really means to love God and love people in the way Paul urges us too. Paul describes a love that walks in God’s word, God’s way, God’s will in which we hold tight to our worldview while still loving sacrificially to others.
Walk Boldly | Week 5 | Chris Kong
What does it truly mean to walk boldly in our faith? How do we live in such a way that it both honours God and makes a bold statement to the world about our love for Jesus? In this message, Ps. Chris helps us see that being a lifelong disciple of Jesus, constantly and consistently, learning to put on the new self is the real answer to living a bold, different, beautiful faith every day alongside the Holy Spirit.